After the camera moves have been set and the characters have been animated, the next steps are effects and lighting.
This is sometimes known as special effect animation. Specifically flowing water, fire, smoke, blowing grass and leaves, rain, and snow are all varieties of special effect animation. The technical are responsible for creating the special effect, which require artistic talent, technical skill, and a tremendous amount of hard work |
Lighting Shading and Rendering (SLR )
Every surface of every visible object in CGI has to have a texture, the textures that cover surface are called materials. Materials are also known as shaders.
Lighting takes its inspiration from the moody color scripts created by the art department.
Rendering is the act of translating all of the informantion in the files that make up the shot set, colors, character movement, etc – into a single frame of film |
The finishing touches
Throughout this entire process we have been able to see and track our progress daily, projecting our images as they evolve. Finally, we are ready to add sound effects, add the final score into the film, mix our soundtracks, correct the color, make our cartoon and release to T.V program nationally and worldwide. |